The West Coast Libertarian Foundation website has been dormant for many years now. The last update was in 2010 to promote a seminar called Capitalism and Morality conducted by Jayant Bhandari. There were a smattering of posts here and there before that. So when I saw that the WCLF was looking for a new webmaster to revitalize the site, I jumped at the opportunity.
For a variety of reasons I have not been active in the libertarian movement since around 2000. Now that the kids are grown and I am retired, I have time and a keen interest to get back in writing mode again.
So I’ve taken over the website, redesigned it, added to it and will continue to add to it. One of the big undertakings I have committed to is to archive all the old newsletters from The Libertarian Foundation, Human Action to Limit Taxes and the WCLF here on this site. Just click on the Newsletters link to check them out. And keep coming back – more will be added over time. So far I have seven back issues of The Libertarian, two of The Halt Report and three of West Coast Libertarian posted. More will follow. (And if you never heard of some of these newsletters before, click on History for the back story behind the WCLF.)
I am also enabling others to post to this blog. Perennial activist and WCLF mainstay Paul Geddes will be one of them. As well as any executive members that want to contribute to the blog.
And I am adding a Twitter feed as well. Wow! The West Coast Libertarian Foundation is moving into the 21st Century!
Looking forward to hearing feedback on the site. Comments? Suggestions? Click on the Contacts link for email info. Or respond to this blog post.
Posted by Marco den Ouden